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Thời lượng học
80 Buổi / 240 Giờ
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Lợi ích khi tham gia khoá học:
- Hệ thống hóa kiến thức nền tảng về Logistics;
- Trang bị kiến thức chuyên sâu của một nhà Logistics chuyên nghiệp;
- Được rèn luyện Tiếng Anh chuyên ngành logistics trong môi trường học tập;
- Tạo lợi thế khác biệt trên thị trường lao động;
- Học viên tốt nghiệp được cấp bằng nghề nghiệp “FIATA DIPLOMA IN INTERNATIONAL FREIGHT MANAGEMENT” từ tổ chức FIATA, có giá trị quốc tế;
- Tên và số bằng của mỗi học viên sẽ được nêu rõ trên website của FIATA tại địa chỉ mục ‘‘Diploma Files’’.

Managers and employees working in the fields of Logistics, import-export, production...

University and College students majoring in logistics, transportation, import-export, and foreign exchange
commerce, business administration,...

Other individuals and organizations have needs.
Module 1: International Freight and Trade Management
International Freight Forwarding and The Freight Business
FIATA Document and Forms
International Trade/Incoterms/ Sale contract
International payment
Module 2: Logistics management
Fundamental of logistics management
Logistics Operations
Physical Distribution & Transportation Modeling
Supply and Value chain management
Value Added Services
Logistics sales and Customer service
E-Commerse and e-logistics
Module 3: Warehouse Operations
Warehousing and its Role in the Supply Chains
Role of Warehouse Manager
Warehousing Decisions
Warehousing Activities
Materials, Material Handling & Storage
Warehouse Layout
Organizing the Warehouse
Material handling Equipment and Systems
Warehouse Safety & Security
Module 4: Information & Communication technologies (ICT) in Forwarding
Role of information technologies in Forwarding
Data Storage, Data Management and Databases
Bar-coding and RFID
Electronic fund transfer and E-Payments
Module 5: Sea Transport
International organizations & Drafted regulations for the transport of goods by sea
International organizations
Shipping services
Types of vessels
Drafted regulations for the transport of goods by sea
Documents in shipping
Pricing of ocean freight
Geography of ocean transport, port facilities
Module 6: Maritime Containers
General Knowledge of Container Transports by Sea
Types and specification for the most used container
Loading Procedure
Way - Bills and accompanying documents
Contracts and Pricing in Container Transport
Geography of container traffic
Module 7:National Carriage by Inland Waterway
Legal requirements of Transport by Inland Waterway
Types of Barges used in Inland Waterway Carriage
Waybills and Accompanying Documents
Determination of Freight Charges for Inland Waterway Transport
Geography of Inland Waterway
Module 8: Multimodal Transport
General Knowledge of Multimodal Transport
Organize multi-modal transportation
MTO’s liability
Documentation Of Multimodal Transport
Notice of loss and claim
ASEAN Framework Agreement on Multimodal transport
Multi-modal transportation contract
Module 9: Air Transport
Overview of air cargo industry
Most used aircraft and Unit Load Devices
Geography in Air Transport
Cargo Automation
Air Cargo Rates and Charges
Air waybill and Accompanying documents
Handling Facilities
Air Cargo Acceptance
Module 10: Road & Rail Transport
Legal Requirements for International Road Transport
Types of Road Vehicles (Technical standards)
Geography in Road Transport
Waybills and Accompanying Documents
Pricing in Road Transport
Cross Boder
Legal Requirements of Rail Transport
Ways and Means of Transport
Waybills and Accompanying Documents
Tariffs in Railway Transport
Module 11: Dangerous Goods
Overview of Dangerous goods Transportation
The System of Regulations Dangerous goods in Transportation
VIETNAM’s Regulations of Carriage of Dangerous Goods
DG Documentation
Module 12: Transport Insurance
Liability Insurance
General Average
Transport Insurance
Duties of Freight Forwarder in case of Damage
Module 13: Customs Procedures
Origin cargo (C/O)
Customs regulations and law (NSW, ASW)
National Customs Procedures
National customs tariffs – Customs valuation
International Conventions
Module 14: Security and Safety
Overview of Safety and Security
International, National and Industrial security
Cargo conveyance Security
Warehouse security
Emergency management and Contingency